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Sunday 29 December 2013

A New Year, A New Resolution.

Another year, come and gone.  Just a few hours left before we leave 2013 and enter 2014. People are celebrating; rejoicing the passing of another year. The lights, the music, all show how happy everyone is. Like every year everyone is making their New Year's resolution (which I doubt anyone takes seriously these days). I've never made any resolution of such. I've always thought that I don't need to change just because someone thinks I'm not right about something. Either you like me, or you don't. As simple as that. Anyway I don't think I'll be able to follow any resolution religiously. This year has been different though. Very, very different. It has been a kind of a roller coaster ride for me. Where the roller coaster usually goes down. But it does come up after some time, though with some difficulty.
This year has been difficult. Very difficult. From a confused soul, ignoring the obvious truth just to get my mind off things, to gradually accepting the reality. To realizing that it was never meant to be. To moving on. To finally finding happiness and peace. Then again to the phase of being confused. And the hardest part came when life was at it's worst, throwing all kinds of hurdles at me. The most difficult part was crossing these hurdles.
But it's not as if this year was completely bad. No, not at all. The best part being, making my parents proud with my academic results. Then talking again to a long lost friend. Having an awesome time with school friends. Starting with college, a new beginning. Meeting new people. Making some awesome new friends. And finally with me starting to blog (which is awesome for you too, you're getting a chance read my writings. Be thankful :P).
To be honest, this year has been unique. Having it's own ups and downs and some more downs. But the downs of this year are not what bother me. Bad times come and go, and we eventually forget about them. And good times pass by so quickly that you don't remember them. No, it's not about the good and bad times. It's about living without regrets. About not having sleepless nights, thinking of something which gives you pain. Can I look back to this year and think, have I lived my life without any regrets? Have I followed what my heart says, without thinking of the consequences? I don't think so. I've made many mistakes, and even though I won't repeat them again, I don't think I'll forget them easily either. There are many "what if..." 's and "only if..." 's questions still running around in my head.  True happiness is obtained only if you live life without any of these questions in the back of your mind. Because life is too short to have any regrets. Yesterday I heard that one guy from my school (who was my senior) met with an accident and was killed on the spot. Even though I didn't know him much, I still was pretty much in a state of shock. The guy had his whole life before him, and all his dreams, his parents' dreams were shattered in a matter of seconds. Just like that. It's really scary to know that such sort of things can happen to any of us. And we don't have any control over it. It's fate, and whether we like it or not, we have to accept our fate.
So even though I never make any resolutions at the end of the year, this year I'm gonna make an exception. This year, I resolve to live life without any regrets. No "if's" to bother me. And I'll follow what my heart says, not what other people want me to do. And I hope that when 2014 ends, I'll look back to a year which couldn't have been better. A year which will be unforgettable a good sense. A year full of happiness. A year without regrets.
Wishing all those who are reading this a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
Adios and take care.