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Tuesday 12 November 2013

If still nothing goes right, take a walk with a friend

And the bad days continue. Today wasn't as bad as yesterday, though it was pretty bad. I knew yesterday's fight was my fault and I owed my mom an apology. So after building up my courage (don't give me that look, it's harder to apologize when you actually mean it -.-), I decided I'd apologize to her.
And apologize I did. Hundreds of times. Ok kidding, three times. And the reaction? Ignored. Yes. My mom just ignored my apology. Whoosh.
So yeah, I was pretty much fucked up the whole day today, so I decided like yesterday that I'll go for a quiet walk. This time, though, I went with another friend who herself was in a pretty serious mess. So, just to get our minds off the problems of our lives, we went together.
I never dedicate my posts or give credit to someone else for them, but today is an exception I'll make for that friend who gave me some much needed company today. And who's the reason why I'm blogging at all right now. So AD, this post is just for you ;). I hope it makes you feel better.
Like always, we didn't go anywhere in particular, just walking on the roads and the market streets, discussing about everything - our schools, trips we'd been to, other weird stuff, etc. Anything but our problems. So yeah, it was a pretty good evening that I've had in quite some time. It helped me forget about my problems for once, at least. I hope it did for her too. Cuz I just want her to be fine.
I'm not gonna make this post much long though, so I guess I'll finish it here itself. And I didn't click any pictures, save for one picture of the sunset, and even that didn't come out as expected. So that's the one picture I'm gonna post. And I also thought of starting this new feature in my posts, "Song of the day", which just tells which song was on my mind the whole day, or the song which described the day perfectly, etc etc. 
So today's Song of the Day is "Angel" by Jack Johnson, which I dedicate to the weirdest friend I've ever had.

Angel - Jack Johnson

"She wears a smile that makes me wanna sing
she gives me presents with her presence alone"